Minstry witch Theme

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Version 0.1 Final

  • Mod
    Sailor Zoey

    The famous blue and white sailor ( Seifuku ) uniform style, similar to an anime character such as Haruhi Suzumiya, Sailor Moon, Popuko and Pipimi from Team Pop Epic.

    • New
  • Mod
    Only Nina Williams (request)

    Only Nina Williams (request) TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 (2011) Nina Williams survivor Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) Skin. Zoey voice support works Credits: skin - mrla...

    • New
  • Guide
    How to save your custom maps that you downloade...

    Tired of your disk space always being full? Well, I have a solution to that problem. If you have too many custom maps vpk files on your laptop, it takes up most of your disk space. So, I suggest you guys to put all of your downloaded cus...

  • Guide
    Custom audio scripts

    Custom audio script override Ever feel tired of the monotonic of L4D2's gunfire ? By default there is no variant or modulation of the gunfire sound, and the game doesn't allow you to modify the sound scripts, but if you mount a new folde...

  • Mod
    Teen Angst Motley Crue Zoey Fixed

    Motley Crue inspired version of the classic "Teen Angst" Zoey model This version of the model is still based off the proper fixed version You shouldn't have any problems with any custom items or weapons Zoey's clavicle bone weights ha...



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