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Deathcraft (L4D1) V1.1

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  • ResistanceYoshi

    Posted this review



    -Gameplay that has been offered like none other.
    -Well optimized, absolutely no major lags of any sort.
    -Perfect Length (Medium-Long)
    -Intro is very welcoming. When you see it, you know the campaign is already good at the first second.
    -Gives a very good idea on what The Nether and other ideas would like as I actually never been to those type of areas before.
    -Very few AI problems. The problems seen does not pose a major problem towards gameplay.
    -Acceptable difficulty and horde events are just about at the right amount.
    -Crafting? Lets building something good. (Adds a good and even an important part to this campaign.)
    -Environment, and visuals. They are worth every second of exploring to look at the details.


    -Got lost at some areas, no points taken off as the visuals have made it up.
    -Tier 2's could have started a bit earlier for "Chapter 2: The Lake Ravine". No points taken off as it is only my preference and I'm not going to change your ways of how items/weapons spawn.
    -Witch placements. Although that is actually the games fault and I happened to be in bad luck against them for this game. No points taken off.


    If there's an option to pick a "Campaign of the Year", it is this one!
    Excellent gameplay, visuals, and environment. This campaign really kept the Minecraft theme true to it's potential.
    Although played in my own SourceMod server, I can see absolutely no problems on being able to play this campaign on a non-modded server. Whether or not you have actually played Minecraft before, I highly recommend stopping on by and grabbing this campaign at this very moment before you miss something! If you have enjoyed this campaign, it is something that is worth keeping.
    A complete 10 received from me. This is a memory that is worth having. Well done.

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Version 1.1 Complete

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