Reviews for At the gloaming Ⅲ

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    • Youlsama

      Posted this review



      是的 我是仅因为自己游玩的时候受挫就来这里放几个臭屁 否则我觉得真得要被憋死 虽然不是来全盘否定的 但也是来只说缺点的
      怎么说呢 这张弔图我们打了接近一个月了 愣是没打过 这一个月里的感受浓缩成一句话那就是 把国产图特有的毛病几乎都沾了个遍
      枪是不舍得给的 开局要走一小段路才有枪先不说 每个还只有一把 运气不好三喷一机枪去面对特感结果就是光速重开再看一遍过场动画
      尸潮是几乎走哪都有的 一个开局的m1就能塞三个机关最后一个还是无限尸潮 刷波特感往往也还会顺带再来一波尸潮 难度不够尸潮来凑 是吧
      路是七拐八弯的 本身单章节的路程就偏长了 还喜欢让人特意去绕一大圈 这也是点名m1安全门前的那一段路 老实说设计长路线可以 但是这种摆在明面上的特意让人绕远路的做法是我最看不惯也看不起的
      总之 这近一个月的挑战的体验是糟糕的 即使昧着良心我也说不出好玩
      你可以说我没有金刚钻就别揽瓷器活 反正你说了那就是你对 我只是来放几个黑屁而已 可以无视 可以回怼 甚至也随便你挂
      问题没有改善 这评论的内容就永远不会改变
      言尽于此 就希望作者接下来的做图水平能越来越好罢
    • luubinh109

      Posted this review



      Need better optimize, i get crash alot in mid play. With same mod list i play other custom map like Freezing Point without a problem
    • q6q66666

      Posted this review


      Thank you, mapper

      Moderate, making progress compared to Twilight 1 and 2
      The part of the third level that goes through the pipeline is a bit interesting
      I think the opening animation was a bit too long. (In multi infected mode) After just a few steps, the special feeling was brushed off (Duote). I hope it can be shorter,Difficult and worth playing with!

      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • Jeysie

      Posted this review


      Nice Improvement Over the Previous Map

      Recently, I embarked on the **Gloaming III RE** campaign, and it left quite an impression. This sequel builds upon its predecessors, offering improved maps and an engaging gameplay experience. Let's delve into the specifics:
      1. **Atmosphere and Sound**:
         - The campaign kicks off quietly after the helicopter departs. While this silence adds tension, I found myself wishing for some music during the initial chapters.
         - Venturing beyond the safe zone led to an unexpected horde attack. Armed only with pistols, my health plummeted from 100 to 30 in seconds. Thankfully, a first aid kit near the van saved the day.
         - During the finale, the absence of background music was noticeable. The eerie quietness contrasted with the chaos of the infected.
      2. **Map Design and Clarity**:
         - Occasional signs guided me through confusing areas. Running to the saferoom was exhilarating, especially when I stumbled upon a grenade launcher.
         - The transition between areas felt smoother this time, addressing a concern from the earlier map.
      3. **Chapter Highlights**:
         - Chapter 3 turned up the intensity with two tanks in close quarters. The bar scene, complete with cute anime girl music, added a unique touch.
         - However, the sewer run to the saferoom had me scratching my head. I couldn't find the button to open the yellow gate and ended up leaping to my demise. Second time's the charm—I eventually found the button and made it to the trailer.
         - The finale was intriguing, but I occasionally felt lost. Should I keep moving forward or backtrack to the upper bridge? Unfortunately, the lack of background music during this critical moment made it even more confusing.
      4. **Expert Mode and Overall Improvement**:
         - While the finale was cool, it might be unforgiving in expert mode. Some additional cues or hints could help players navigate better.
         - Despite these minor issues, **Gloaming III RE** is a commendable improvement over its predecessors. Keep up the good work!

      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • SMFX

      Posted this review




      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Great campaign so far, good map design & layout. It's a Valve-styled campaign for the most part so it's fun to play, looking forward to future versions.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

End of results.