Recent Updates (Design, Structure, Publishing)

  • GameMaps (System)
    First, we would like to thank everyone for their patience. It's been awhile since our last news announcement and that's because we've been busy working on this major upgrade!  Thanks to your feedback we've been able to improve the users experience when browsing and publishing content.  Now that the core structure was upgraded, future updates are expected to roll out more frequently. 
    Design Updates
    One of the first things you'll notice is the design upgrade.  With the upgraded design you'll be able to enjoy browsing content on any device, from the mobile phone to the big screen.  The core of the design has been upgraded however there are still many pages that will be upgraded over the coming weeks.  These upgrades contain new features and easier access to content based on the communities feedback.
    My Content (Files, Guides, Gallery)
    You asked for it, and we listened!  Publishing content should now be much more straight forward.  That's because the interface has been re-structured to ensure a seamless user experience managing content.  
    Gaming Platforms  Coming Soon
    You may notice the new platform bar (PC, Mobile, VR...) across the top of the header.  As we get closer to providing multi-platform support you will begin to notice multi-platform features and options.  The full release of multi-platform content including Tabletop games is coming in the near future.  
    Support Tickets  Coming Soon
    You will now see a 'Support Tickets' menu in the members header bar.  This feature is still in development and should release after the holidays.   Support tickets will allow members to contact support easily, quickly and privately. We expect this to reduce response times significantly and providing a better customer service experience.
    News  Coming Soon
    When you enter a game you will notice a 'NEWS' section in the header bar.  This section is in development and more details will be posted when it's been officially released.
    Now that we've got the core update deployed, updates will come out more frequently and you may notice improvements on a day to day basis.  It's no secret; With this update you can see there are many major features in development and lined up to release.  We look forward to making major strides and we hope you're as excited as we are!
    Happy Holidays
    The GameMaps Team
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  • First of all Happy Holidays to everyone!
    Secondly support tickets are the best idea the GameMaps team has ever come up with, in my opinion.  Keep up the good work!
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    Happy Holidays all, and thank you for this big update, can't wait to see the rest !)
    But please just fix the google translation bar that pops up all the time now..I can't do nothing to stop it on my end, I tried it all, it use to not be there but came back lately...
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  • 👀👍  
    E: Alright why the F is the upload button hid all the way to the tiny part on the right
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  • Happy Holidays! Great update :)
    My next in-depth feedback topic is about design so I guess I need to adjust it to the current layout 🤔
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  • @BL0U3
    I believe this may be a setting on the browser end and is not something that can be controlled by the developers.  
    You can Google 'How to disable good translate bar."  And perhaps it will come up with solutions for your case.
    We will keep our eyes open for additional solutions. 
    Another option although slightly inconvenient, is trying the FireFox browser. Hope this helps!
    @7empest - These templates and modules are next to be updated. Likely next week.
    @greenhood - We're always looking forward to feedback. Keep in mind the design's front-end and user flow is still being upgraded.  Majority of the UI tasks should be completed by the end of next week.
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  • I can assure you I tried everything on my end, I almost certain..I'm already using Firefox (eww chrome lol) and the bar was gone until the last or before last update of the site (I was so happy it was gone) but it's back sad ^^
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  • Btw is it possible to give some updates on item details/ description to be able add boxes/ column/ table etc just like what in "Guide" section? When making a guide, there are many useful features like coloring certain words, making bold/ italic etc on certain words, creating a box containing some important steps (like quotation box), giving a space  for new paragraph, etc. I found out that the features in "Guide" section could be useful too if also implemented on "Item Details" in "Mod" or "Map" section. Those could give  authors/ uploaders the ability to manage the important info & hints & make the  "Item Details" easier to read when there  are many hints provided in it.
    Actually feature to create a box would be useful too in discussion section to make some quote, like this:
    Quotation box will make people easier to see which parts of the reply that other member was talking about.
    I think that's all about the suggestions I have in mind. I hope that these suggestions could be helpful to give some ideas for the site improvements.
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  • kurochama
    I totally agree. 
    I see you also have the same bug that area around avatar is darker than the rest. 
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  • I also have the number next to my avatar as well as the dark square around the avatar itself.  I'm kind of surprised the "number" bug hasn't been fixed by now, it's a bug that's been around a long time and I'm not the only one that's mentioned it exists.
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  • AlfredENeuman
    Number near avatar is not a bug. At least I dont have that bug. Maybe you have some unread notifications. 
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  • 206 would certainly constitute a lot of those greenhood!
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  • @greenhood: Oh I didn't notice that darker area near the avatar until you mentioned it. At first I thought that darker area was an after effect of the cursor hovering on it, but it looks like it's not.
    @AlfredENeuman: That number is the total of unchecked notifications. I have few there because I haven't checked some achievements yet. As for your case of 200+ notifications, you can reduce them by checking "Activities" & some of your subscribed members (if you have any), & also some messages. Unfortunately the notifications are not linked to the old site, so even if you have checked all new notifications from the old site, they would still remain unchecked in beta site so you need to check again to reduce the number. This might be something like "sync bug", I guess, because normally if we check notifications via old site, beta site should mark the notifications checked too.
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  • Hi, I just looked at the new beta site for the first time in a while and wanted to give some feedback.  First impressions are impressive! I really like the direction is it headed.
    Now for a few things that need a little more mention/fixing IMHO.  (comments refer to the desktop version of the home page).  
    I would like it if the search function at the top right also had a box that you could type your search in . 
    I find it super confusing that there is a whole row of categories at the top menu but all of them are grayed out except PC.  (the shade of gray is also very close to the one available option) I  understand that these are things that may be added later, but it seems like false advertising to have them there now and have none of them available.
    I also find it confusing that the search box on the left side of the page near the titles doesn't stay in place while one scrolls down the list of titles.  If I'm scrolling, looking through the titles for something I expect to be there and suddenly realize that I can't find it, I don't want to have to scroll all the way back to the top of the list to find the title search box again.  I want that to stay at the top and just have the titles themselves scroll.
    Similar comment for the select by picture section on the right side of the home page.  I think the "select a game" instructions should stay at the top and just the pictures themselves should scroll.
    These may seem like picky things, but the home page is important for retaining new users.  If you lose me at go, I may assume that the rest of the site is equally confusing (which it is not).
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  • kurochama thanks for the input, but given I check my notifications (even on the original website though I use the beta far more), I still think it is probably a bug.
    quilterkl, I think you made some good points and therefore gave your comments a thumbs up.  I went to the DOSBox recently and found nothing there, so why have it a DOSBox menu?
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