
Reviews by N_Hell_Follows

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Excellent level detail. 
    -Very lengthy
    -Unoriginal, different feel


    -Too few medkits
    -Too few ammo placements
    -Too few pipe bombs and molotovs.
    -Too few survivor closets (too far)
    -Finale coloration difficult to see anything
    -Finale area too open and plain.
    -Bot navigational problems.


    This map was fun. The feel of it was different then others and it was great playing something different.
    How ever there were many things holding it back. There were not enough item placements. Majority of the time ammo was depleted before another ammo pickup. Bots had trouble getting to a certain areas and navigating. The finales weird coloration made it difficult to play and the area was not detailed, just open. All in all, the level design was excellet.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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