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Reviews by LC-DDM

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    *San Andreas characters ported onto Left 4 Dead 2... as if we didn't have enough awesome character mods.


    *No viewmodels. I understand their hands may be blocky, but I'm pretty sure there's a mod for the PC version that incorporates the models from the Android/etc. ports with actual hands. Look it up.
    *No character select / in-game / incap portraits. It wouldn't kill you to make some!
    *Big Smoke over Coach? Really? You DO know how the story goes, right?
    *Last I checked, Kendl isn't one for gun violence. I understand she fits the tone for Rochelle's voice, but come on.


    While it is quite the nostalgia trip from what is possibly one of the best if not THE best Grand Theft Auto game to date, it's still from that era. As such, the models aren't HD, which is to be expected, and yet I don't see it as something to criticize - it adds to the charm of the characters themselves. However, the lack of viewmodels, while not a bother to some, really detract from the experience, and makes it feel like this was rushed. The aforementioned portraits also suffer from this.
    I would suggest a few things... first, move Sweet over Coach, and CJ over Nick. Get rid of Big Smoke, and put Cesar Vialpando over Ellis. Lastly, get Catalina (the SA model, naturally, considering you're taking onto that time period) over Rochelle. Second, you should seperate each character into a seperate download... if you're not already aware, there is already a CJ over Louis, and I feel a seperate download would really benefit each character.
    Last but not least, if you wish to immerse your downloading users further into this mixture of the San Andreas and L4D worlds, I recommend creating some Special Infected mods. As examples, Big Smoke could be the Boomer and Ryder could be the Smoker. I would also say something about normal peds acting as CIs, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries and make you think of this as a request rather than a suggestion.
    In the end, this is an average pack that leaves just a little more to be desired. If you're not the kind of person into details, however, this shouldn't stop you from acquiring it.
    I give this a 2 out of 5.

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    Proper Pinkie Flashlight

    Okay, let's start with this: I'm NOT a brony. I've done this because I believe that the users around here, bronies or not, could stand to have a little more quality in a Pinkie-themed flashlight. The original mod is what inspired me. The...


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